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Board Meeting Minutes Friday, June 7th, 2024
New Chances Humane Society Board Meeting Minutes for May, 2024

Called to order: 6:39 pm
Board Members Present: Ava Tvedten, Ashley Ruby, Barbara Roberts, Lynn Albrecht, Jane Sybrandt, Jen Duderstaft (via facetime), Crystal Hollman
Absent from Board: John Huismann

Guests: Kristy Travis,
Diane Flint,
Johhanna Flint

Mission Statement Read:
Last Month's Minutes:

● Jen Duferstadt motioned to approve presented minutes'
● Barbara Roberts second
● Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer's Report:

Reviewed Treasure report

● Ashley Ruby made a motion to approve the report as presented
● Barbara Roberts second the motion
● Motion passed unanimously.

Director's Report:

● Ava Tvedten met with Attorney David Frundt regarding the Contract for Deed with Steve and Gennie Gesche. There is a loophole in the contract that allows New Chances Humane Society to retain ownership.
● Request to add Crystal Hollman to Board as Fundraising Chairperson, she will be part of the fundraising group and will be the voice that brings the fundraising groups ideas to the Board.

Old Business:

● By-Laws discussed and Attorney David Frundt suggested we include a specific statement to our by-laws which was added
○ Barbara Roberts motioned to accept and approve our By-laws
○ Ashley Ruby seconded said motion
○ Motion passed unanimously.
● Creation of our Vision statement was tabled. We did discuss some options that we wanted in our Vision Statement.:
○ Protection
○ No Kill
○ Safety
○ Education
○ Health
● Legal Update regarding insurance claim brought forth by the previous President. The lawyer has dropped the client due to lack of evidence so as of right now no further legals .
● Taxes from 2021-2023 have been finalized. We owe approx. $280.00 something to the tax accountant.
● Allocations of Donations and Memorials that have not been honored by FCHS was discussed in detail. A few people have come forth and we are currently looking into where their funds went and where they are shown in the financial records shared by the previous President, which are still incomplete in receiving..

New Business:

● Open House Update by Crystal Hollman
○ Will be having food, bounce house, vendors & games
● As a Board, the decision that purchases made of $500 or greater needs to have pre- approval before ordering. An emergency meeting via Zoom, text, or phone to approve purchases over $500 needs to occur before said purchase,
○ Ashley Ruby made the motion
○ Jen Duderstadt seconded said motion
○ Motion passed unanimously.
● Discussed Conflict of Interest and Statement of Ethics forms
○ Ashley Ruby made the motion,
○ Crystal Hollman seconded said motion
○ Motion passed unanimously.
○ Conflict of Interest Forms and Statement of Ethics forms were handed out to present Board Members.
● Purchases completed:
○ Outdoor sign for front of building (Sign Pro)
Installed as of 5/13/2024 (to be billed)
○ Banner and fundraiser yard signs (purchased from Becki Steier)
Arrived and paid
○ Privacy Fence screens (Amazon)
Arrived and paid
○ First Aid kits for Van & 2 wall mounted kits for facility
Van kit Arrived - 2 wall kits enroute (paid)
○ Pet Dryer & Grooming Tub
Grooming tub arrived 5/13/2024
Pet Dryer (Arrived and paid)
○ Ashley Ruby made motion
○ Crystal Hollman seconded motion to approve purchase from the Board of the items/ equipment listed above
○ Motion passed unanimously.
● Remaining construction/Bids
○ Outdoor Storage Shed
Approved for purchase and delivery/set up set at $4,000
○ Ashley Ruby made a motion to purchase
○ Motion seconded by Jane Synbrandt.
○ Motion passed unanimously.
● Compensation of Kevin Albrecht
○ Concurred on an amount but after some research over the weekend placed and during the meeting on 5/13/2024 - It was motioned to reconsider this compensation until the next meeting.
● Background Check
○ Discussed in detail as this is a $155 cost per person. Per discussion this will be tabled for further discussion
○ Jen Duderstadt made a motion to table the next meeting
○ Jane Synbrandt seconded said motion.
○ Motion passed.
● Triple Copy Intake forms proposal from Becki Steier
○ Discussed color vs Black and white and the cost difference for color to Black and white.
○ Ashley Ruby motioned to purchase the black and white forms.
○ Lynn Albrecht seconded said motion.
○ Motion passed unanimously.
○ Ashley Ruby motioned to order 500 at cost of $250.00 ($0.50 each.
○ Crystal Hollman seconded said motion.
○ Motion passed unanimously.
● Old FCHS Banners
○ Will be using the backside to have NCHS put on them.
● Fundraising committee presented some upcoming and potential fundraisers
○ May 19th from 9-1 Eagles have asked us to be present at the Fly in Breakfast event at the Blue Earth Airport
○ Puppy Shower Fundraiser-Tentatively set for Saturday, June 15th
○ Wowzone Spaghetti Dinner
● Upcoming meetings:
○ Frost City Council Meeting 5/13/2024 – Lynn to attend.
○ Elmore City Council Meeting 5/13/2024 – Kristy to attend.
● Other:
○ Blue Earth City Council approved our city kennel license.
Waived remaining of our 2024's fee
○ City of Wells-Signed the Kennel Contract with NCHS for $350 a month.
○ City of Bricelyn has decided to go with Camp Companion out of Rochester MN
● Entered a closed session:
● Discussed Collaborative Contract with Paws for Cause:
○ This discussion did not start off positively with Jane Synbrandt walking out stating she resigned and Lynn Albrecht chose to also step out to get fresh air. Stopped meeting for a few minutes to get everyone resituated. Restarted meeting at 8:42 but decided to adjourn meeting at 8:48 pm. Will message so we can figure out when we can all reconvene again within the week to complete and adjourn said meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ashley Ruby
Medic / HR


Called Emergency meeting to Reconvene meeting from 5/10/2024 on 5/13/2024 at 6:40 pm

Board: Ava Tvedten Ashley Ruby, Barbara Roberts (via video chat), Crystal Hollman, Jen Duderstadt(via Video chat) John Huisman, Lynn Albrecht

Absent: Jane Sybrandt

● Went quickly through Friday in review
● Discussed Kevin Albrecht's compensation again
○ Motion to reconsider & put on hold until next meeting
○ Barbara Roberts made said motion
○ John Husiman seconded said motion
○ Motion passed unanimously.
● Motion for Ava Tvedten to submit invoices for any unpaid purchases she has made as well as time required to assist in getting NCHS preferred and implemented:
○ Frost City Council Meeting 5/13/2024 – Lynn to attend.
○ Elmore City Council Meeting 5/13/2024 – Kristy to attend.
● Discussed Jane's Resignment
○ This is not accepted as it must be in writing.
○ We ask that Jane Sybrandt stay on as a MVAC member.
○ Discussed lateral move
● Discussed Collaborative contact with Paws for Cause and made some recommendations to revise. Ava Tvedten will revise and update said contact and contract will be discussed at the next Board meeting in June 2024.
● Meeting Adjourned: John Huisman Motioned, Crystal Hollman seconded said motion. Motion passed.
● Meeting adjourned 7:46pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Ashley Ruby
Medic / HR
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1540 Industrial Drive, Blue Earth, MN 56013



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